I don’t believe. Never have.
As I’m writing this there are less than 10 hours left of 2024.
2024 started with some pruning. Friendships were ended, changed, started. Some of it was out of obedience, some of it simply due to the season of life we are in. All of it was good. There were changes in my family, my health, my walk with the Lord. I grew as a person, a speaker, and a missionary. 2024 is ending with the sprouts of growth that came from the pruning.
I got to Thailand two days before the lantern festival, two weeks before Thanksgiving, and 6 weeks before Christmas. Some people are wondering why I didn’t wait until after the holidays to go to Thailand. Here’s why…
Let me back up a little.
I was tempted to title this “Santa Sucks”. But I decided against. I don’t believe in Santa. Never have. I remember writing Jesus birthday letters and putting them under the tree as a kid.
Let me preface this by letting you know I am not judging anyone. I’m simply sharing my thoughts/feelings/experiences about Santa.
As I got into adulthood and working with children I noticed how much emphasis parents put on Santa. Christmas became a time of year when children were disciplined or had expectations on them that weren’t there throughout the year. Christians are no exception. The lengths people go through to make sure their kids believe in Santa never made sense to me. I always wondered why Christian parents pushed belief in Santa seemingly more than belief in Christ. Rather than teaching children to live a life of conviction and grace throughout the year, they were teaching them to behave so that they can get presents.
But the biggest issue I have with Santa is that he doesn’t visit all the children around the world. It makes us feel good to think that and to tell our kids that. But it simply isn’t true.
That’s why I didn’t wait until after the holidays. That’s why I am here. To get to love on the children and to bless their families. To let them know that Jesus sees them and loves them. What better time to be here than to celebrate the birth of Christ - Immanuel, God with us. It’s my favorite time to be here!
From Buddhist to Believer
The first and third Sunday we have a church service. The second and fourth Saturday we have a Bible study.
I wish I could tell you the testimonies of each of these new believers. At the Christmas bible study each of us shared part of our testimony and something we are thankful for. Let me tell you, it was everything in me to not cry as I listened to their stories. I will never experience the hardships these people face. They choose Jesus over and over again. They inspire me.
Would you be interested in hearing their testimonies? Maybe I can share a testimony with each newsletter? Let me know what you think!
Christmas outreach
I had a smile on my face the whole night. Seeing the kids playing and having a good time warmed my heart. It started raining about 45 minutes before the program started. It was a bummer at first but, it forced us all to stay under the awning. That kept people from leaving or wandering off. Nearly 200 people were there. It was a great time!
Here’s to a great 2025
I pray that you will experience all that the Lord has for you in 2025!
I will be turning 45 in May. I want to be my best self and keep getting better. I want to continue to grow in my knowledge of the Word and in my faith. I want to continue my physical health journey by eating well and doing strength training. Along with being intentional about my spiritual and physical health, I am also focusing on my mental and emotional health with a life coach. I am more motivated than ever to learn Thai. I have plans and dreams for the community center and the village. Through all of this my greatest desire is for Jesus to be made known in Thailand.
Here’s to a great 2025!
I will be sending newsletters every 3-4 months. If you want to know more about the community center, markets, what it’s like driving a motorbike, etc. let me know! I want to make sure you enjoy reading my newsletters.
I’m still working on furnishing my house. By the time my next newsletter comes out it should be ready to share with you. I am loving this house! It’s better than I could’ve asked for.
Happy New Year!
I felt abandoned by God
I felt abandoned by God
Just a heads up, this might be a bit lengthy.
It started before I left. I thought my flight left was at 10:50pm Sunday night. Turns out, it was 10:50am Sunday morning. Which meant that I had to leave at 5am to go to LAX. I essentially lost a day. Saturday I was rushing to finish packing while my nieces were trying to spend their last few hours with me. I cried several times that day.
I got to the airport, got checked in and to my gate without any issues. I was mentally preparing myself for the 13 hr flight while also processing leaving my family. 4 years is a long time to be gone. I don’t know if you can fully be ready for that.
About an hour and a half into the flight we hit some turbulence. You might not know this about me but I absolutely hate flying. I take a dramamine and do my best to be asleep by the time we take-off. But with leaving so early in the morning and the adrenaline rush from leaving so quickly I couldn’t fall asleep. Anyway, the turbulence was pretty bad. All my mind could think about was “we are over the ocean right now! If anything happens we fall straight into the ocean!” I wasn’t panicking it but I was close lol! After a while the turbulence subsided and I was finally getting tired.
Usually the airplane food is tolerable. I have been eating animal-based for a few months now. That includes not eating processed foods and seed oils. The food was not settling well with me but eventually I was able to get some much need sleep. I remember looking at the flight clock and seeing that there was 41 minutes left. We’d be landing in Seoul. I had a 2 hr layover. Then I was just a 6 hr flight from Chiang Mai.
That was the plan anyway.
After I looked at the time I passed out. Not the fall-asleep-quick passing out. The losing-consciousness passing out. Next thing I knew the people next to me and the flight attendants were shaking me and asking if I was okay. From then I was in and out of consciousness for over an hour. I’ll spare the details but I ended up having to go to the hospital in South Korea. I believe sleep deprivation, dehydration, and stress caused me to have what looked like seizures. And the food definitely didn’t help.
I want to take a moment to express my deep gratitude to Korean Airlines. They took exceptional care of me. Going above and beyond to make sure I was okay. Someone from the airline stayed with me from the plane, in the ambulance and at the hospital. She was by my side the entire time. Not only that, she helped arrange for me to stay at a hotel and rescheduled my flight for the next day. Korean Air covered the cost of the hotel and rebooked my flight for free. I’ve only flown to Thailand on Korean Air and will continue to do so.
During all of this I felt abandoned by God. Why would he let this happen?
As I made it to Thailand and started the process of getting settled here I looked back and knew in the depths of my soul that Jesus was with me all along. Things could have gone way worse. But Jesus made sure I was taken care of. She might not know it but, that Korean Airline employee was used by God that day. I was too out of it to get her name but I will never forget her.
Finding solace at home
I had been looking for a house in the city for nearly two months before I got to Thailand. None of them worked out. My options at that point were to move into a home that was in the city but not a comfortable or enjoyable or live a bit farther out of the city to be in a home that would provide solace for me.
After a few hours of sleep on my first night here I met up with Mat from Expat Homes. He took me around town to look at houses. We looked at a few but I just didn’t have peace about them. As we got in the car to head back to the office Mat remembered a house that was for rent. It was not on the list of homes to look at that day. The owners are in the US. They planned on furnishing the home and charging a higher rent. But, Mat had an idea. He suggested that they don’t furnish the home, allow me to furnish it, and charge lower rent. They agreed!
So, I’m in a brand new home. The first person to live in it. It is in a new neighborhood with a huge international school. I couldn’t have asked for a better place to live. It’s a 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath. Super cute!
I don’t have furniture yet or I would show you some pictures. I did order some basics: bed, couch, dining table. It’ll be another week or two before they arrive. I’ll be sure to share some pics as the house comes together.
It’s been challenging to live in a house that is completely unfurnished. It’s coming together little by little. Just like my crazy flight experience, I can see Jesus right here in the middle of it all.
I got a motorbike! I know I have already saved hours of driving time. I absolutely love being on the bike. It’s freeing! And it saves time and money on gas. #winwinwin
What have I been up to?
I have been in Thailand about 3 weeks now. In that time I have found a home and working on furnishing it, bought a motorbike, filed for my work permit, visited some friends, went to church at the community center, and I’m figuring out how to do life here again.
It has been challenging yet fulfilling so far.
I can’t start working at the community center until get my work permit. I am scheduled to pick it up on 18 Dec. Until then I will continue working on getting my house together and adjusting to the pace of life in Thailand.
Keep in touch
If you would like to keep in touch there are several ways you can do that.
MarcoPolo, WhatsApp, Signal: 661.331.5128
Email: sara@missionthailand.co
instagram: @perhapsstateofmind
iMessage: essjaydubb@pm.me
If you would like my mailing address let me know. Snail mail is still a fun way to stay in touch :)
I am so very thankful for every person that has been praying for me. Your prayers are impacting my life in many ways. The home I live in. The peace of mind I have in the midst of chaotic moments. All the little things I can’t put into words.
Thank you!
FYI: After this newsletter I will send a Christmas update. Then I will send a newsletter every 3 months or so.
Looking forward to all that God has for me here!
Or so I thought…
So, my fundraising deadline came and went. I thought I only needed about $6k in one-time donations. Turns out, I still need $15k. Let me explain.
My monthly budget is $6,500. Whatever amount comes in that is under $6,500 is supplemented by the cash budget. Because my monthly support has only recently reached 100%, I’ve had to utilize my cash budget until now.
Though cash has been coming in, it couldn’t build up as quickly because of the lack in monthly support. Now that the monthly support is coming in, the cash should start to build up. Similarly, the monthly support can also build up the cash. If the monthly support that comes in exceeds the $6,500 it will go into the cash budget. They both feed into each other.
Keep in mind, all of the funds are for four years. If all monthly commitments continue to come in I shouldn’t need to fundraise again until my next term.
The next several sundays I will be speaking at different churches and small groups and I will continue my social media campaign in an effort to finish fundraising. My deadline has been graciously extended to the end of the month.
Below is a graphic that breaks down my monthly and cash budgets. If you have questions please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Goodbye event
I was hoping to have a departure date by the time of my goodbye event this past saturday. In my flesh I am feeling defeated. In my spirit I have a peace that surpasses understanding. I can’t explain it but it is undeniable.
I trust the Lord’s plan and his timing even though they aren’t clear right now lol! People say, “God won’t fail you.” As true as that is, I don’t think it isn’t so much that he won’t fail, it’s that he can’t. I am doing all that I can to walk obediently. That includes trusting that the Lord will fulfill his plans for me exactly on time.
If you’ve asked how long I am going to be here please know I’ve asked 10x more. When my heart is in another country I can’t not be eager to get back. I live in the constant tension of wanting to leave and wanting to stay.
Thank you to each of you that showed up to say goodbye. Your prayers and words of encouragement bless me more than you know.
Stay connected
This should be my last newsletter until I have a departure date :)
If you would like to see more of what I’m up to outside of the newsletters you can follow me on instagram and facebook!
Other ways to connect with me: email, marco polo, signal
Don’t forget, you can read current and past newsletters on my website!
One chapter ends so another can begin
It’s been a while. The last 3 months have been very busy!
In May I traveled to AZ to attend my nephew’s wedding. I celebrated my 44th birthday in NV with my sister and her family. I shared at Life Charisma church. Then end of the month I drove to MO.
June I was in MO to share at a small group and to catch up with friends and supporters. From MO I drove to TX to spend time with my brother and nephew.
July I started a social media campaign and shared at churches in an effort to finish fundraising. I spent the last two weeks of the month in AZ and NV. In AZ I got to meet my precious little great niece. While I was there we had a goodbye for my niece that is moving to KY to go to Boyce. I also had a goodbye with family. And, I spoke at a couple of churches.
August started with me in NV saying goodbye to my sister and her family. I still have a little bit of money to raise. This month I will be having a goodbye event, sharing at a church, taking the licensing test, shopping and packing, and, Lord willing, leaving for Thailand.
About the deadline…
I was given until August 1st to get all of my funds in. Though that didn’t happen, there’s still opportunity to give! I only need $45 in monthly support and about $6,000 in one-time donations. I cannot to back to Thailand until all the money is in. Would you prayerfully consider helping me to finish strong? Any amount you can give today will get me closer to 100%!
Click the link to give now!
No time is a good time for goodbye.
This Saturday, August 10th I will conclude my “goodbye tour”. I’ve said goodbye to my brother in TX, family in AZ, and family in NV. Now it’s time to say goodbye to my friends and family friend in CA. If you’re in town I would love to see you and to say goodbye. Though I don’t have a departure date, yet, I will be leaving soon. I want to make sure I have time to say goodbye.
The first half will be a bit structured with a time of sharing and q&a. The second half will be a time of fellowship. Light snacks and drinks will be served.
Please let me know if you plan to attend. I hope to see you there!
So many of you have partnered with me and shared my posts and have been praying for me and it doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. I honesty stay humbled by your love and support and God’s faithfulness. I love you all deeply and pray the Lord bless you for all that you do for me.
You’re still here?
Yes. Yes, I am. But not for long! I’ll be back in Thailand this summer and I cannot wait.
I can’t book my flight until my budget is raised, though. I only need about $600 in monthly support and $20k cash. I have until August 1st to finish fundraising. My hope is to leave in June or July.
If you have made a pledge to give or have been considering partnering with me today is a great day to get started! You can click the button below to do that. It is quick and easy! It will also get me back to Thailand asap.
How to give:
Click or enter the amount you want to give then add to cart
If you want to give monthly click box to make it a recurring payment.
Then put in your card info.
It’s that easy! You don’t need to log-in or create an account.
When AGWM sees that I’m nearing 100% funded I will get clearance to purchase my ticket and to apply for a visa.
If you can’t give but would like to help me leave this summer you can: host a small gathering with your family and friends that you think would be interested in partnering with me, you can ask your pastor or small group leader to invite me to share, you can do a yard sale fundraiser, pray for provision. There are many ways that you can help me to get back to Thailand.
Since my last newsletter so many new partners have joined MissionThailand. I stay humbled by the love and support that pours in. It is a constant reminder that God is my ultimate provider. When I feel like I can’t think of any other ways to fundraise or when I’m exhausted from the hustle, He shows up. He sends others to show up. He doesn’t grow weary like I do.
Thank you for your love and generosity. Thank you for believing in my calling. Thank you for lending your shoulder to bear the burden of taking the Good News to those that have never heard it. Thank you!
What’s been going on?
It’s been 3 months since my last newsletter.
I’ve celebrated two of my nieces 18th birthdays. Not sure how that happened so quickly!
I had the opportunity to join the SoCal missions meeting and dinner. What a blessing to be in the company of such incredible people. They encourage me to keep going.
I got to share with the SoCal missions committee and executive presbytery. Talk about humbling. Men and women that have far more wisdom and experience than I do. It was a privilege to share with them the spiritual need in Thailand and the ministry God has called me to to address that need. Pastor Rich Guerra and Dan Campbell have played an integral part in influencing who I am as a missionary. They have believed in me when I didn’t know how to. Forever grateful for your consistent love and support.
I have taken 3 more classes. The short story is, I finished the licensing classes then found out that there were 3 class that I still needed. Now that those are done, I can work on the next steps to getting licensed. Which is a test and an interview.
I did some church services and other meetings.
This month I have some church services, my nephew’s wedding, and I will be celebrating my birthday. I was really hoping to be in Thailand for my birthday, the 16th, but that didn’t quite happen. But it will be nice to be here with family!
Prayer partners still needed
There are a few days open. If you would like to partner with me in prayer pick a day of the month that works for you. We can pray for each other on that day. Let me know which day you’d like and I’ll add it to my prayer calendar.
Stay connected
Here are some ways that you can stay connected with me while I’m in Thailand:
You can also iMessage me if you have an iPhone. Email me if you don’t have my number or the email that I use to iMessage. I don’t have what’s app or a google number. I prefer email or Signal as they are more safe and secure for me to use.
Let’s hang out!
If you would like to meet for lunch or at a coffee shop let me know! I’d love to see you before I leave.
It’s Pruning Season
I’m not a farmer or a gardener or even a “plant mom”. But that doesn’t deter the Lord from pruning. He’s pruning me. Throughout the Bible there are references to fruit. Bear much fruit. The fruit of the Spirit. They will be known by their fruit.
Just like plants and trees need to be pruned, we too need to be pruned. Pruning is necessary for health and growth and a greater yield. I desire to know Jesus more and to be more like him. At times that requires pruning. There are people and things and habits and ways of thinking that God is asking me to cut off or cut out of my life. It is difficult. It is painful at times. But I know that it will bring more glory to God and will produce more abundant fruit in my life.
I’m finding the closer I get to Jesus the more narrow the road gets. Probably because “small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” When I see Jesus face to face I don’t want to wish I had done more or tried harder. We only have this life to live for Christ. There will be no need for sacrifice or evangelism or discipleship in heaven. We will be living in the reward of the fruit of our labor this side of heaven.
Past, present, future
December was full of great things.
My youngest niece’s adoption was finalized! I can’t go into detail but, my sister and brother in law endured many hardships over the course of adopting my niece. Though there were many failures by those that are meant to uphold the law to serve and protect, God was the true hero. His sovereignty can’t be thwarted!
My niece will get to grow up with her biological sister that was also adopted into our family. Not many adoptees get to grow up with their siblings. Another blessing from the Lord that they will get to be together forever.
I also got to share at my home church, Canyon Hills. It was such a blessing to get to say thank you and to update them on all that God is doing in Thailand.
Christmas was interesting this year. It didn’t feel like Christmas at all. Because most of my family got together for Thanksgiving everyone decided to stay home for Christmas. My parents flew to TX to be with my brother. I spent the morning with my sister and her family and had dinner with some friends. All in all it was a good day.
January was full of opportunities.
I shared about Buddhism in my life group. I attended the SoCal Leadership Conference. So good! I met with supporters. And, I got to share at Bakersfield Christian Church. The first time I’ve done two services in a row. I’m still growing in my public speaking skills but I had a great time. The Lord is so faithful to use our obedience for His glory.
February is just about full!
I will be sharing in a sunday school class. I will be doing a service in Colton, CA. I will be in AZ. Twice. Meeting with supporters and potential supporters.
March is open.
Next month is pretty open. I’m hoping to book more services and to continue making progress on getting the last bit of my funds raised. I’m really hoping to be in Thailand in May.
I’m almost there!
I’m getting closer to getting back to Thailand! I can feel a shift in my heart and my mind. I am starting to make lists of what I need to buy and what I need to pack. I’m starting to think about what part of Chiang Mai I want to live in. It might be premature of me to do that since I don’t have a departure date yet lol! But I know that a lot goes into moving to another country and I want to be as prepared as I can be. So when I get the green light I’ll be ready to go.
I still need about $1,700 in monthly support. Here’s a breakdown of what that looks like at different amounts. Any amount is a blessing! Click on the graphic to donate.
Lastly, I would love to partner with you in prayer. Choose a day of the month that works for you and we can pray for each other. You can respond to this email or message me with a date and I’ll add you to my calendar.
As always, thank you for all that you do to join me in making Jesus known in Thailand!
Changing Traditions
We’re a ragamuffin bunch but we sure do love each other lol!
We almost always go to Tucson or stay in Bakersfield for Thanksgiving. But this year we went to Stacie’s in Nevada. Only about half the family could make it. It was a great time and a nice change of pace. While we were there I started thinking about traditions.
As a kid we would all go to grandma and grandpa’s house. My grandma’s birthday was the 26th so sometimes we would celebrate her birthday and Thanksgiving together. Good times! Then as we started getting older we would celebrate at my parents house. Now, as my siblings are spread across the country and I mostly live in Thailand, traditions are changing yet again.
Changing traditions is not always easy. There’s a comfort in knowing what to expect. There’s a comfort in knowing that you’ll hear the laughs of your loved ones. Sadly, over time things change. Family member pass away, new members are added, people move.
With all the things that have changed over the years there’s one thing that has remained the same. Love. I’m so thankful for my family. We all get along and look forward to spending time together. We pray for each other. We cry together. We help each other in times of need. My great-grandparents and grandparents might be gone but their legacy of love lives on.
What’s been going on?
October was a very full month! I finished the last class for the licensing requirement. Yay! I went to Tucson for my niece’s quinceanera. So fun! She was beautiful and everyone had a great time. I did a church service at Bethany Church LA. The pastor and his wife are wonderful people! If you’re in Alhambra and don’t have a home church I highly recommend Bethany Church. I went to NV for a week. I had meetings throughout the month. It was non-stop!
November we less busy but went by just as fast! The Saturday with Sara event went really well! It was so good to be face to face with friends and family that have partnered with me. I shared about how my time in Thailand has been going and my time in the US and when I plan to get back. They asked some great questions. Thank you to everyone that came out!!
This month is a bit slower, kind of. Is December ever really a slow month? I won’t be traveling out of state. I don’t think. I’m going to soak up my last Christmas in the US, for a while, with my family.
You make it happen!
I’ve mentioned before that I get to help sponsor a student to go to a christian school. She’s started her second year there and is doing well. I’m happy to share with you that I get to help sponsor another student!
He has had a rough life so far. Filled with abuse and abandonment and criticism. Last month he started attending the christian school. Now he, along with the other student, get to learn and explore their faith in a safe environment.
Your faithful generosity allows me to invest into the lives of these students! Thank you!! As the Lord provides, I would love to sponsor more students.
Would you join me in praying for this young man? He’s been living with one of our Thai staff which has been a safe, secure home for him. The staff member is getting married this month so this young man must find a new place to live.
Prayer partners needed!
I’m still looking for monthly prayer partners. Pick a date and we can pray for each other that day each month.
I’m so grateful for your love, prayers, and support. I hope you have a very merry Christmas!!
Happy Fall Y’all!
How is it October already? Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Before I get too ahead of myself, I want to share with you what has happened the last couple of months.
In August I got to travel to San Diego to share at Faith Chapel church. They have been supporting me for about a decade now. It was so good to get to update them on what is happening in Thailand because of their support. Of course I always enjoy the conversations at my table after the service. The Pentecostal handshakes aren’t so bad either ;)
My 5 yr old niece wanted to tag along with me. She told her mom that she wants to be a missionary one day. That’d be awesome! On our way down to SD we stopped by downtown Disney for lunch and dessert.
In September I did a church service in Barstow, CA. This church has also been supporting me for nearly a decade. I’m so humbled by the faithfulness of my supporters. Most churches give me 3-5 mins to share, but this church gave me the whole service. God hasn’t gifted me with public speaking skills lol but He is gracious to use me. God is setting a foundation to build his church in Barstow. Be ready!
After the church service I drove down to Santa Monica. I used a reward night to stay there and spent Monday at the beach. I needed a mental health day and the beach was a perfect place for that. I walked from the Santa Monica pier to Venice beach and back. One of my favorite things to do! One thing that kept going through my mind was, “God really did tell the ocean how far it can go.” I was so in awe of God the whole day.
If any of you are familiar with skateboarding, I saw Eric Koston! He was literally a couple feet in front me. I’ve always had a draw to skating. I sat and watched some guys filming tricks on the basketball court. Then all the sudden Eric Koston rolled up. So fun!!
Later in the month my sister and her husband went to HI for their anniversary. My mom, another sister, and I are watching the kids. She left us money to take them to Disneyland! The kids haven’t been in years. It was so fun to see them have fun! I ran into Mary Poppins while we were there. I had to show her my tattoo. It was a little embarrassing but mostly funny!
Let’s pray for each other!
I did this a few years ago and stopped along the way. Sorry about that. I’d really like to do it again. It keeps me connected with you and you with me. It also lets me know that I’m covered in prayer everyday.
Here’s how it works. You pick the day of the month. Then you and I will pray for each other that day every month. A seemingly simple thing but it is very powerful!
James 5:16 says, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.”
If you’re reading this on the website you can respond in the comment section below . If you’ve received this in your inbox you can reply to the email. You can also text me.
Let me know which day of the month you’d like to pray for each other!
Prayer requests and praise reports.
You might remember the elderly lady that fell a while back. While I was in Thailand we took her an audio bible in her native language. Her eyes lit up as she listened to the songs and stories. She later fell and was in the hospital for a few months. She recently passed away. I’m not sure if she got saved or not, but because of the love and care from the Christians at the community center, her niece got saved!! We have been loving on this family for two years. The niece is experiencing a lot of pressure and opposition from the people in the village now that she is a Christian. Please pray for her to have a strong, bold faith in Jesus.
One of my students has been experiencing abuse at home and at the temple. He moved in with one of our Thai staff that is a Christian. The young teen is being bullied and criticized by his peers and teachers at school for not living with his family. So, myself and the other staff are going to sponsor him to go to a Thai Christian school. There he can grow in his faith and learn in a safe environment. Pray for him to become a man of valor. A man of influence in his community.
I thank God for your continued support that allows me to bless and serve the spiritually impoverished in Thailand. By meeting their physical needs their hearts are open to us meeting their spiritual needs. You help make that happen. Thank you!!
Coming up…
This month is going to be crazy busy! I will be going to AZ for my niece’s quincenera. Not sure how she’s 15 already. She was just 2 not that long ago. While I’m in AZ I will be meeting with the missions pastor at my childhood church. They’ve been supporting me for a long time. I’ll update them on all the happenings in Thailand. I will be speaking at a missions conference in Alhambra, CA. I’ll be traveling to NV. And a few other things. Please be praying for me!
I will be dropping some new merch soon! A limited supply. I will be posting it on my instagram so be sure to follow me.
Thank you for all you do to partner with me in bringing the Good News to Thailand!
A Missionary’s Favorite Question
So, what is a missionary’s favorite question? “When are you going back?” As often as others ask that question we probably ask ourselves even more.
If you can believe it, 4 August will be the one year mark that I’ve been back. I am struggling to wrap my head around that. How has a year gone by already? It feels like much has happened and not much has happened at the same time.
My original goal was to get back to Thailand in July. Obviously that didn’t work out. My next goal is to get back by the end of the year. That leads me to something I need to confess.
I got so caught up in the money side of missions. My budget became an idol of sorts. I was so focused on how much I have to raise that I became overwhelmed, bitter, and wanted to quit. I’ve been a full time missionary for 12 years. I’ve experienced some difficult times but never once thought of quitting. So for me to get to that place was disappointing and enlightening.
My life and my conversations began to revolve around the budget that I have to raise. A few months ago I was given a 20% increase in my budget. So, that’s more money that I have to raise. I began to be consumed by how much money is required to do what I do. I can’t get back to Thailand until all of the money is raised, but there’s so much more that God has planned for my time here.
The money appeared to be bigger than God. More than he could handle. Then I went to Missionary Renewal.
I was surrounded by a couple hundred other missionaries that are on the same path as I am. I am not the first missionary to have to figure out how to raise funds and I will not be the last. Being around people that are in the same situation that I am allowed me to lay it all down.
In one week’s time God prompted 3 different people to give me significant donations. God provided for me in ways I wouldn’t have even thought to ask him. He saw my desperation and graciously reminded me that HE is my provider. Inflation and all the things of this world do not hinder him. He is outside of the faults and strains of this world.
Over the weeks I was traveling, the message of the birds and flowers from Matthew 6: 25-34 kept coming up. The birds don’t sow or reap yet they are fed. The wild flowers don’t toil or spin yet are clothed. We are worth more than them. God knows my needs better than I do. That includes all that I need to raise to get back to Thailand. If I seek Him first He will, not maybe or probably, he will provide all that I need. He is faithful.
Now that I have the Lord, and my needs, in the right order I am not going to quit! There’s such a need for the gospel in Thailand. I cannot ignore the burden that God has given me to share the Good News!
I am currently finishing up a class then I’ll have two left! Praise the Lord! After that I will need to do a test and interview to officially be a licensed minister. I am also booking services at churches and small groups. Doing what I can and trusting God to work it all out for my good and his glory.
Thank you to each and every person that has come along side me on this journey. Some of you have been with me for a decade or longer. Some of you maybe just a few days. Together we are bringing Hope to the people of Thailand!! I cannot do what I do without you.
7 weeks. 5 states. Lots of memories.
In the middle of May I drove to Tucson. My sister had a hysterectomy and I went to help as she recovered. Destroyed my nephew in Monopoly. Then he annihilated me lol! I also had the opportunity to share about #MissionThailand at Way Family Church. I was there for a month then I drove to Missouri. On the way, I got a flat tire in New Mexico. A couple of older guys helped me out and I was back on the road. I met up with a childhood friend and a few of my supporters in KC and Lake of the Ozarks. After that I was in Springfield for 8 days for Missionary Renewal. Then I went to Nashville to see a long time friend and supporter. I just love the south! TN is one of my favorite states. On my way back to CA I went to Texas to spend a few days with my brother and nephew. I loved being able to celebrate the 4th of July in America! The littlest nephew loved it, too! I stopped in Tucson for a night or two then finally got back to Cali the second week of July. Such a long but fulfilling trip! There’s so much more I could tell you but this is already getting too long :)
Below are some pics.
I’m back on Instagram!
Well, I’ve been back, kind of. I was using a social media manager for about 6 months. But now I’m back on it myself! I changed the name to @chagrinstateofmind. (If you know the definition of chagrin, you’ll know that describes me well lol!) I’ll be posting more personal things along with ministry things. Click here to follow me!
Coming up…
I will be at Faith Chapel church in San Diego on 13 August. If you’re in the area you should bring a friend and join us! I will be updating the church on what’s been going on in Thailand and I’ll have a table in the lobby before and after the service. I’d love to connect with you!
Humbling handshakes
I’ve been a full time missionary for the past 12 years. The only qualification I have to do what I do is simply obedience. Jesus told me to go, so I go. I have no special training or skills. I have never risked my life. I do what all Christians are called to do, go and make disciples.
I’m telling you this because I hope it helps you to understand the most humbling handshakes I’ve ever had.
A few years ago I was visiting my grandma. A lady she was having lunch with was telling me about how she served in World War 2 along with her late husband. She worked on the aircrafts. She was responsible for the aircrafts to work properly and to fix them if something went wrong. A lot of lives depended on her to do her job quickly and accurately.
Pointing to me my grandma told her, “She’s a missionary.” This war experienced woman reached across the table and said, “I need to shake your hand.” She looked me in my eyes and told me that I’m doing a great thing.
I have never been more humbled in my life. Who am I for her to want to shake my hand? I still can’t talk about it without tearing up.
Another humbling handshake happened more recently. A lady at my church was on hospice. Let me back up a little. Her grandson and I were in youth group together. We weren’t close but we knew each other. I’m not sure how she knew me but she had been praying for me for many years. When I would be home on itineration she would let me know she’s praying for me.
When I found out she was on hospice I went to visit her. As soon as I walked in the room she grabbed my hand and said, “I pray for you!” She held my hand as she asked me about Thailand. “It is an honor to pray for you”, she told me. She was an integral part of my spiritual covering and she was honored to do it. I’m on the verge of tears as I write about it. She went to be with the Lord the next morning. So humbling to have had her in my life.
I’m not entirely sure why I’m telling you this. I think in a way it is part of my processing loss. Part of it is me trying to grasp the fact that Jesus sees me. He used these women to show me that he sees me. I’m not special. I’m not doing anything others can’t do. But my obedience matters to Jesus. He’s worthy of so much more than I can offer him. A thousand lifetimes wouldn’t be enough to express how worthy he is. Yet my simple obedience honors him.
If you’re like me you might think you aren’t doing much for the Lord. 1 Samuel 15 teaches us that obedience is better than sacrifice. More often than not sacrifice is easier. We can sacrifice our money or our time or resources. To walk in obedience means to sacrifice ourselves, our desires, our will. Your obedience is the greatest offering. It allows the Lord to work through you. That doesn’t make it easy but it does make it worth it.
Just like that May is over and June is here.
Thank you to everyone that gave for my birthday! It was a great month! I’m a little closer to getting back to Thailand. May might be over but the opportunity to partner with me is never over. If you would still like to make a monthly commitment or a one-time donation you can do that today! Click the button below to give.
June is jam packed!
I’m in Tucson, again. My sister is having surgery. So I will be here a few weeks to help her out. While I’m here, though, I’ll be taking two more classes. I’m almost done!! Yay! And it is always nice to spend time with the nieces. (The nephew is out of state right now.)
Thai tea!
I love that my nieces love Thai tea as much as I do :) These are the memories I cherish while I’m in Thailand.
June 17th I will head to MO. I’m driving so it will take a couple of days. I’ll be in KC to visit friends and supporters. Then the following week I will be in Springfield. I will be going to Missionary Renewal. It will be 7 very full days. It will be nice to see some fellow missionaries and to have some intentional time to be renewed.
From there I will be driving to Nashville to visit a long time friend and supporter. I’m not in TN often but I sure do enjoy it! Looking forward to a Nehi Peach. If you know, you know :)
Then I’ll be making the long drive back to CA. If you think of it please be praying for me.
Making memories at the mailbox.
Because I have so little time with my nieces and nephews I have to make memories with them any way that I can. The most recent is “mailbox time”.
It started a few weeks ago. My niece and I like to walk down to the mailbox to check the mail. One day the mail lady was still sorting the mail. So we sat on the curb while we were waiting. My niece and I talked about our day, the bugs on the ground, what I do in Thailand, and all the other things that crossed her very curious 5 year old mind.
The next time she came over she asked to go sit at the mailbox. The time after that, she asked to bring a snack and “mailbox time” was born. My niece is a bit like me. We both need some quiet time away from people. That’s when we walk down to the mailbox to chill for a few minutes.
These are the memories I cherish. It’ll be another 4 years before I can make memories with her, and the other nieces and nephews, again. She’ll be 9. She might not want to have mailbox time with Auntie Sara when I get back but, we will find new memories to make. I look forward to that.
What you do for the least of these…
From the time I was 6 years old I’ve wanted to be a barber so that I can do free haircuts for men that need it. When I was in my late teens I started practicing cutting hair on my dad, my brother and some of his friends, my neighbors, my friend’s kids. Over the years I’ve gotten better. I have spent hours watching tutorials on youtube. I’ve even had the opportunity to do a few cuts in Thailand. The schools are very strict about how short the boys hair needs to be. I recently started cutting my brother in law’s hair as well.
I haven't gone to barber college, yet, but, I really enjoy cutting hair! I enjoy even more doing it for free. A couple of weeks ago I got to join some really great people in serving the homeless community that lives near the river. I got to do some haircuts! It was the fulfillment of a dream the Lord put in my heart when I was just a child. I loved every moment of it!
A men’s program partners with Kern Medical Supply to simply acknowledge and love on the “least of these.” They go out every Wednesday and Thursday. They bring donuts and coffee, food, and any clothes that were donated. Kern Medical Supply along with other medical groups tend to any medical needs. A veterinarian also goes to tend to any animals that may need to be treated.
There isn’t one solution to the homelessness epidemic. There isn’t one way to address the needs that are so prevalent in our communities. But, there is one thing that Jesus taught us in regards to those in need and on the fringes of society. We find that in Matthew 25.
Matthew 25:40 “And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:45 “Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
It is very clear. What we do or don’t do for the least of these is directly translated into what we do or don’t do for Christ.
Let’s ask the Lord how he wants us to help those in need around us. We absolutely need discernment. God knows their needs better than they do. He will guide us in helping to meet those needs.
My brother was here!
It had been nearly 4 1/2 years since I saw my brother last. I hadn’t yet met my baby nephew who is 3 already. For the first time in 6 years all 6 of us siblings were together in one place. There was 26 of us! It was chaotic in the best way. These times are few and far between. I never would have thought while I was growing up that we’d all be living so far apart. It sure is a good time when we are all together!
My brother gave me some pointers on corn hole. Stepped my game way up. So fun!
We shared lots of food, laughs, and love!
Full circle
I was invited to speak at the young adults group at my home church. It was in this group, called Upper Room back in the day, that I went on several missions trips and was called to be a missionary. It was so cool to get to share with a new generation of young adults. I know God has some mighty plans for this group and I’m excited to see them unfold!
May is here and it’s my birthday month!
I’ll be 43 on 16 May. For my birthday I’m hoping to get 43 new supporters to make a monthly commitment at any amount. That will get me even closer to getting back to Thailand! And it will help cushion the blow of practically being in my mid-forties lol!
If you’re already a monthly supporter you can share the posts to help me reach more potential supporters. If you aren’t yet a monthly supporter now is the perfect time to sign up! Anything you give makes a greater impact than you might think. Especially when it is combined with others that are giving monthly. I can’t do what I do with your support. I literally live off of what you give me. God called me. You send me. We are all in partnership together.
There’s going to be a long line of people that I can’t wait to introduce you to. People that you helped to love, provide for, and most importantly, share the Good News with.
Click here to give!
What a Buddhist temple taught me.
The temple above is Wat Doi Suthep. It is about a 45 minute drive from where I live. A steep, windy drive up the mountain. From the street in front of the temple up to the temple is nearly 400 steps.
When you get to the top there’s an outer part and an inner part. The outer part has a few idols to worship, a brief story of why they built the temple in that spot, bells and gongs to ring, and a beautiful view of the city.
The inner part is full of idols, people desperate to be heard or healed or protected or provided for. There are giving opportunities to cover the cost of things like monks that are sick or to buy gold leafing to put on the idols or to build more temples. In fact, they are raising money to build a temple in Santa Barbara, CA. There are rooms to worship more idols or to seek a blessing from a monk.
In the center of the inner part is a square walk way. You buy a lotus flower then repeat one of the prayers they have on cards as you walk around.
I visit this temple every month or so. It is a reminder to me of what I’m up against there.
But more than that, this temple has taught me a few things.
This temple taught me just how little effort I put into worshiping God. When I stand at the bottom of the stairs of this temple I ask myself, “If my church was up there would I walk up all these steps to get to it?” Sometimes making intentional time to read the Bible and pray feels like a burden. Why?
Yet, here, 100’s of people a week or even a day make the long drive up the mountain and the long trek up the stairs. They do this to maybe be heard by their god(s). To maybe pray, do, give, offer enough to earn merit. To maybe offset any wrongs done. To maybe tip the scales of karma in their favor.
They do all of that and more for just a maybe.
This temple taught me to have a deeper love, gratitude, joy and fervor in knowing the one true God. In knowing Hope himself. In knowing that all of my sins are atoned for in Christ. In knowing that I cannot earn what the Lord freely gives. In knowing that how I live my life can be an offering that is well pleasing unto the Lord.
Below is a video of the temple.
Disclaimer: I don’t know the people that made the video. But it is a more recent, concise look around the temple.
What a month it was!
March was non-stop! In a good way.
I finished another class! It was the Homiletics one. I had to write a sermon then present it to the class. I haven’t heard back yet about how I did, but I feel pretty good about it. I’ve had the opportunity to share that sermon at a couple of churches. Each time it gets better :)
Pastor Troy from City View church in San Diego invited me to participate in their missions conference. It was so fun to meet new people and to share about what God is doing in Thailand.
The following weekend I got to be with Pastor Joe at Nuevo Amanecer church in LA. I can’t lie. Spanish worship just hits different! It’s like heaven opens up and you’re sitting at Jesus feet. You can’t help but be moved and to move. I love it! Met some great, genuine people.
The weekend after that found me with Pastor Jesse at Faith Tabernacle LA. What made this one special is that I am the fourth generation connected to that church. My great-grandparents, grandparents, and mom all went there. It was such an honor to be there and for my mom to be there with me. Pastor Jesse, his staff and congregation made me feel like I was home with family.
Click here to watch the video from Faith Tabernacle. I go up around the 48 minute mark.
Thank you for partnering with me to make Jesus known in Thailand!
God’s plan > my plan
I apologize for the delay in getting this update to you.
February was one of those months when nearly everything I had planned didn’t happen, but everything that God had planned did. Yes, what God has planned always happens. It’s just that sometimes I know those plans. This was not one of those times :)
Without divulging too much personal information, my 14 year old niece was/is facing some trials. She and my sister needed some support as they navigate how to best help my niece. So, I packed up and went to Arizona. I thought I’d be there for two weeks. That turned into 4 weeks.
God’s plan.
A lot happened while I was there.
I finished another class. Woo hoo! I started another one, Homiletics, which is a two-part class. Part one is learning about/how to do exegetical preaching. Part two, this weekend 10-11 March 2023, is presenting a sermon. I’ve been reading the book, working on the test and writing a sermon. My first one by the way!
I’ve shared at churches many times. This is a bit different though. Sharing about what I do in Thailand is easy compared to exegeting scripture and preaching a sermon. Full transparency, I’m still trying to understand what exegetics and homiletics even mean lol!
But this is one of the things that God had planned that I couldn’t have foreseen. My brother in law started a church in Tucson, Way Family Church. He does this kind of preaching every weekend. (Every pastor should btw.)
I learn more through conversation and processing out loud. Had I been home reading the book I would’ve never fully understood how to put a sermon together. Because I was in Tucson, my brother in law was able to sit down with me and help me work on the outline. He was a huge help!
In an effort to keep this update from getting too long, I’ll sum it up by saying it was a very full month! I got to visit with family, knocked out a couple more classes, had some meetings, and ate my weight in Eegee’s. If you know, you know.
I almost forgot. I got to share a devotional with the Southern California Assemblies of God Network. It was such an honor to get to do that. I’m not deserving or qualified. That’s how God works, though. Our obedience qualifies us. I sounded way more nervous than I felt lol but I’m thankful for the opportunity.
Look out! Here comes March!
This month is another very busy month!
I mentioned earlier that I have another class this week. I will present my sermon to the class and get some feed back. I don’t think I will ever be comfortable doing any kind of public speaking, but I can always improve my skills. I can tell already that this class has challenged how I study and share the word.
From that class in Irvine, I will be going straight to San Diego to do a missions conference at City View church. There will be several missionaries there representing the countries God has called them to. I’m excited to share about Thailand. Should be a good time!
19 March 2023 I will be speaking at Nuevo Amanecer church in LA. I can’t speak spanish but I have such a deep appreciation and love for the spanish church and culture. Really looking forward to being with them.
26 March 2023 I will be speaking at Faith Tabernacle in LA. I am the 4th generation connected to this church. My great grandparents, grandparents, and mom all attended Faith Tabernacle. They have partnered with me for several years now. This month will be the first time I get to speak at the church and connect with the congregation. My great-grandparents and grandparents are gone now but I know they would be happy to see me continuing the relationship with Faith Tabernacle.
If you’re in the area any of these churches you should come to the service. I would love to see you!
I’m back on social media!
Find me on Instagram and Facebook @ Mission Thailand.
Make a monthly commitment.
We are getting closer to reaching my monthly budget goal! Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me monthly at $10, $25, $50, or $100? Does your church have a missions pastor? Feel free to share my info with them!
Click the link below to give today! All giving, one-time or monthly, is tax deductible.
Make a one-time donation.
Along with a monthly budget I have a cash budget. This covers costs outside of monthly expenses for my 4 year term. If you can’t partner with me monthly would you prayerfully consider making a one-time donation? There’s no amount too small. It all adds up!
Click the link below to give today! All giving, one-time or monthly, is tax deductible.
“For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on him they have not believed in? And how can they believe without hearing about him? And how can they hear without a preacher? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.” Romans 10:13-15
Thank you for sending me!
Being comfortable makes me uncomfortable
How is it February already?? It almost feels like January didn’t happen. Almost.
It was a busy month.
I went to the regional pastors meeting. It is always a good time to catch up with pastors. To give them an update of what God is doing in Thailand. This meeting was especially good because I got to see some fellow Thailand peeps and other global workers! Of course we had to get some In N Out :)
I finished my 3rd class! I’ll be taking the 4th class next week. Chipping away at all these classes. I’ll be licensed before I know it! I’m learning more about Christ, the Word, and how to be a better leader.
Thankful for your faithful support that provides for me to continue my education and to fulfill the requirements for me to be a career missionary. Not to mention how impactful it is on my personal spiritual growth.
I ended January/started February by sharing a devotion at the SoCal Network office. It was quite humbling to get to share with people and pastors that have been doing this way long than I have. I shared a message the Lord put on my heart and trust that He will use it to inspire those that hear it.
If you hold credentials with the AG you should get it in your email of the weekly devos. If you don’t get those emails, I will share the video on my social media and in my next newsletter.
Are you a podcast person? If so, you should check out The Nephesh Podcast. (Nephesh is the Hebrew word for soul.) I was honored to be a guest on the podcast with my friend Dr. Sanejo Leonard. If you like something that goes deeper than surface conversion and reaches to the soul, then you need to give this podcast a listen. Click below to listen to the episode I’m on. Don’t forget to subscribe! Let Sanejo know that I sent you :)
Do you remember a little over a year ago my friends and I were able to bless an elderly lady with an audio Bible? She has little to no eye sight left so she isn’t able to read. We got her an audio Bible in her heart language as she isn’t ethnic Thai. As soon as we turned it on she lit up! She was even nodding along and responding to what she was hearing. From that time we have been able to bless her with food and warm blankets as we build a relationship with her. She hasn’t become a Christian, yet.
She recently fell and is in the hospital. She is on a feeding tube since she is too weak to eat. My team in Thailand is helping to cover her hospital costs and doing what they can to help the family during this time.
Will you please join me in praying for her and her family? We have shown them the love of Christ for over a year now. Pray that she would be healed and their hearts would be softened toward God. What Buddhism can’t do, Jesus can. He can heal and strengthen her body. He can draw their hearts to himself.
Saying yes to Jesus doesn’t make the path easy to navigate. He promised to comfort us, but he never promised we would be comfortable. I live in constant tension of longing for home. My home here with my family. My home in Thailand with my friends and kids at the center. Ultimately, I long for my home in heaven. I am doing my best to stay surrendered to the Holy Spirit.
Being comfortable makes me uncomfortable. To me, it means that I’m settling. I don’t want to get too comfortable in America. I wouldn’t want to leave. I don’t want to get too comfortable in Thailand. I would overlook the spiritually impoverished around me. I’m most comfortable when I’m uncomfortable. When I have to depend on the Lord.
It isn’t easy but it is always worth it.
I’m back on social media! You can find me on Instagram and Facebook.
Click the links below to connect with me!
Thank you!!
We got some new monthly partners! I pray Philippians 4:19 over each one of you. The same prayer Paul prayed for the church as they supplied all of his needs while he was in prison. “And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
I can’t do what I do without you. Thank you!
Another year over. A new one’s just begun.
2023 is here and I am anticipating all that God is going to do!
The older I get the faster time seems to go by. I’m better understanding why the Bible says life is but a vapor. I’m also better understanding that we need to make every moment matter. We don’t have time to be nonchalant in our walk with the Lord.
In Revelation 3:16 Jesus doesn’t mince his words when he says, “So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of my mouth.” I don’t know about you but, I don’t to make Jesus vomit. We only have opportunity to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus this side of heaven. I want to do all that I can while I can.
Let’s build each other up this year. Let’s love God and love people even more this year. Especially in the midst of cultural pressure to conform to the world. Following Jesus will continue to get more costly, we need each other more than ever!
I’m back! Well, kind of…
This month marks 2 years of not being on social media. Though I haven’t missed it, many people have told me that they miss seeing me on there. So, after two years I’ve come up with a compromise.
I have started a #MissionThailand page on instagram and facebook. But, the accounts will be managed by my sister. I will send her pics and updates then she will post them for me. So, you still get to see what I’m up to and I don’t have to actually be on social media or have it on my phone. #winwin
I hope that this will help you to feel more connected to me and the ministry that God has called me to. A ministry that you help make possible through your faithful giving and prayers!
Click the links below to follow me! Feel free to share the pages with your friends, family, and pastors :)
A huge thank you to Pastor Brad Grams at West McKinley Refinery church in Fresno for the opportunity to share about Mission Thailand. You have been faithful partners for many years! It is an honor to have you on this journey with me.
Many people for over a decade have invested into the village where the community center is located. I'm so excited to share with you that more and more people are getting saved! I imagine I’m not alone in saying that I’ve cried out to God in defeat because it felt like our efforts were in vain.
But God…
His word does not return void.
I have personally been investing in/serving at the community center for 10 years. I’ve seen God move in ways I couldn’t have asked him to and I’ve seen him, seemingly, do nothing. It is an understatement to say that I am overjoyed to share that not only are people getting saved they are asking for a church!
Would you please join me in praying for the new Christians in that village? Pray that they will have a bold faith in Christ. Pray for wisdom as they establish a church. There will be much opposition to a church in that area but God is greater. God is doing a mighty work!
We’re getting closer! My goal is to get back to Thailand in July. If you aren’t already, would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner?
No one likes to be the last to know.
Have you ever been the last to know something? The last to get family news or the last to watch the season finale of a tv show?
Whether its something trivial or something significant, we can all agree it isn’t a good feeling to be the last to know.
Now, imagine being the last to hear the Good News of Jesus. About two thousand years ago Jesus gave the Great Commission, yet there are billions of people in the world today that have never heard his name.
In Thailand alone, over 88% have NEVER heard the Good News. They spend their lives striving to right their wrongs. Not just wrongs from this life, but also their past lives. Many westerners believe that Buddhism is a religion of peace. What they don’t know or understand is that in Buddhism any and all desire leads to suffering. You must strive everyday to rid yourself of all suffering (ie: desires, whether “good” or “bad”). Even hope and love are considered suffering. How can you know peace if you are responsible to atone for your own wrongs?
By becoming a monthly supporter you can help me get the Good News to those that are the last to know. You can also bring your family or a team to Thailand to join me, boots on the ground. Fill out the form on my website. You can join Change the Map to pray for the Buddhist world and participate in vision trips.
If you have any questions or want to know more about how you can join me in getting the Good News to the people of Thailand you can email me at sara@missionthailand.co
If you want to read more about Buddhism’s definition and answer to suffering, here's an article by Learn Religions.
This is what it’s all about!
I recently found out that the grandparents of a student that we have been investing in for years have gotten saved!! I cried happy tears when I found out! This is what it’s all about!
The grandfather was sick in the hospital with several ailments. When the grandson asked to take a picture with him because he wasn’t sure if he was going to make it, the hospital staff said no. So, this young boy asked the community center staff to pray for his grandfather. After a month in the hospital he’s now home! I believe that this opportunity to pray for this family, along with the many years of investing them, set them up to receive the gospel. Like I mentioned earlier, in Buddhism hope is considered suffering. But we know that Christ is our blessed hope! Now this family knows it too.
Will you please join me in praying for them? Satan is not going to let them go easily. Pray that they would not walk away from the faith due to spiritual opposition or pressure from the village. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give them understanding of God’s Word and a boldness to share it. Pray that God would establish a church so that Christians in that village can worship together and encourage one another.
Praise God for all that he is doing!
A huge thank you to Mike and Tiffany for hosting me at your Sunday School class. Always a good time with you guys!
And a warm welcome to some new supporters! Getting closer to getting back to Thailand!
I am thankful for each one of you that have come along side me on this missionary journey. Some of you have been with me for over 10 years! There will be a long line of people to introduce you to when we get to heaven. What a glorious reward!
If you are a new subscriber you can read past posts on my website: extras > monthly updates.
Enjoy this Christmas season!
Short n’ sweet.
How is it November already? Is it just me or did October feel like it was only two weeks long?
November here is very different than November in Chiang Mai. I haven’t been this cold in 3 years lol! I literally do not have any winter clothes. I’ve added two extra blankets to my bed and I will be putting an electric blanket on very soon. It’s embarrassing how cold I am! As much as I hate being cold, I am appreciating that it actually feels like fall and Christmas. I am also appreciating the changing leaves and seasonal things that I don’t get to experience in Thailand.
Last month I did my first service since being back. Much love to New Life Assembly in California City. The church has been a faithful supporter and I couldn’t do what I do without churches like them. Thank you, New Life! What’s also cool is that one of my nieces got to be there with me. It was a honor to have her there.
This weekend I will be sharing at a Sunday School class at my home church, Canyon Hills. Looking forward to seeing them again.
If you would like to host me at your church or small group you can email me at sara@missionthailand.co
They say a mother’s job is never done. Similarly, a missionary’s budget is never raised ;) My goal is to get back to Thailand next June. Your monthly commitments can help make that happen! Feel free to share this with your friends, family, and missions pastor.
Over 88% of Thailand has never heard the Good News, never even heard the name of Jesus. If the rapture happened right now 99% of Thailand wouldn’t make it. I’m just not okay with that.
I can’t make a difference on my own. I need you. I need the church. Only together can we fulfill the Great Commission.
Would prayerfully consider joining me at $100, $50, $25 or $10 a month?
You can click this link to make a monthly commitment today!
If you have any questions you can email me at sara@missionthailand.co
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. 〰️
A few things worth mentioning…
I’ve been home for 2 months now. It feels like forever and not very long at the same time. Most of my social anxiety has eased and I’m not so panicky when I’m out in public. Praise God! Still adjusting to the cost of everything. But I have a feeling that isn’t just me ;)
It was a busy month. I started School of Ministry through the SoCal network. After these classes I’ll be a licensed minister! I also started attending the women’s Bible study at my church.
I got a car! I was home 7 weeks without a car. It was quite challenging most days. At the same time, it forced me to slow down and allow myself time to rest and adjust. God knows I need to be forced sometimes lol! He knew I needed to be home for several weeks before I started with school and traveling to speak at churches. I’m so thankful He knows my needs better than I do.
During the month of September my church, Canyon Hills, highlighted the unreached people groups. I was blessed with the opportunity to share a snippet of what God is doing in Thailand. If you’re interested in seeing the video, you can click this link —> Unreached Initiative <—. If you scroll to the bottom you can watch the video.
A huge THANK YOU to the 2 new monthly supporters!!! We are chipping away at the remaining 20% that I need to raise. If the Lord has put on your heart to financially support my ministry in Thailand you can give $10, $25, $50, or $100 monthly by clicking here —> make monthly commitment <—. If you have any questions you can email me sara@missionthailand.co
If you would like to host me at your church or small group or if you’d like to meet up for coffee/tea reply to this email and we will get something set up!
Those are just a few things worth mentioning. As always, thank you for being part of #MissionThailand!
Did I blip?
I’ve been back in the US just 4 weeks.
Have you seen the Avengers movies? There’s one where Thanos snaps his fingers and half the population disappears. Then, 5 years later, they all reappear. They refer to that as “the blip”. Everyone that was gone came back to the same spot and mindset they had before “the blip”. They had to adjust to being 5 years behind. Friends, family, neighborhoods, stores, technology, everything was different. That is the best way for me to describe how it feels to be back.
I was only gone for three years. But a LOT happened in those three years. I’m in a familiar place but there’s so much that I don’t know or recognize.
As awkward as it has been for me here, I have thoroughly enjoyed some In N Out, Chick-fil-A, Arby’s, and Eegee’s (if you know, you know). Oh, and I can’t forget Target. I’ve especially loved getting to see my family!! Being at my home church just feels like…home.
I think it will take a while to find my place here but I am looking forward to connecting with churches and supporters, friends and family!
I came back a little early to surprise my nephew. During the lockdowns he helped his siblings with their school work and discovered he enjoys teaching math. So, he is going to be a math teacher!
I went to Tucson for a few days to help his family move him to his dorm. He’s at Arizona Christian University in Phoenix following the path that God has laid on his heart.
I couldn’t be more proud of him!!
If you have a moment would you pray for him? Pray that his heart and mind will be fixed on Christ, for godly friendships, for boldness as he is in a new school and town on his own.
“How long are you here?”
I’ve been asked that question countless times already. I’m sure I will continue to answer it until I leave for Thailand.
So, how long will I be here? The short answer is, I don’t know. I don’t know what the future holds. As we’ve all learned over the last couple of years, we never know what could happen or what might shut the world down. That being said, Lord willing I will be here a year or less.
As a missionary I am completely dependent on the financial support of others. It is something I am always adjusting to yet I’m not sure I’ll ever be completely comfortable with.
Good news is so many of you have been faithful in your giving!! That means I’m already at 80% funded!! I only have 20% more to go. Then I can start the visa process and book my flight back to Thailand.
In an effort to simplify the fundraising, I made a chart to show how many supporters I need at different amounts each month.
Only new or increased monthly support will count toward the last 20%. If you are already giving monthly your giving is still needed! Your support along with new support will get me back to Thailand.
If you have any questions or would like to meet up while I’m in the US let me know! I’m also booking church services and small groups. If you would like to host me at your church I would love to share what God is doing in Thailand!
Last update from Thailand…
Monthly updates
My last update from Thailand. Until I get back , that is.
I knew this day was coming yet I find myself a bit caught off guard. How did 3 years go by so quickly? Life really is but a vapor. I am looking forward to seeing my family and meeting the 3 nieces and 1 nephew that I’ve gained since being in Thailand. I’m also looking forward to some In N Out, not gonna lie! It will be my first stop from LAX! Can you blame me though?
In other news, I know that I am going to experience some serious reverse culture shock. What’s funny is, I’ve been to 12 countries and I always experience the worst culture shock when I get to America.
I’ve been in a quiet, kind culture for 3 years. I can leave my purse, laptop, phone on the table at a coffee shop when I use the restroom and not think twice about it. I live alone and have not once felt scared or uneasy. There’s so much that I have become accustomed to here.
I might respond to you with a lift of my eyebrows or a slight nod of my head. You’ll likely find me sitting in the asian squat from time to time. I might lower my head if walk in front of you. You’ll find me taking my shoes off at the door. I might even say thank you in Thai out of habit. I will probably wai to you instead of shaking your hand. Also, I haven’t pumped my own gas in 3 years. The gas station attendants do that for you. It is someone’s job to collect shopping carts so it is expected that you would leave the cart near the spot where you parked. We drive on the left side of the road here. Those are just a few things that are part of my everyday life.
I’m sharing this with you in hopes that you will be gracious with me as I adjust back to life in the US. Nothing about America is what it was when I left. Nothing about my life here is the same as my life there. It is two totally different lives and lifestyles. It is going to take me some time to shift my mindset from doing ministry in Thailand to doing fundraising in the US. Both just as ordained from the Lord, but each entirely different.
That being said, I am very much looking forward to meeting up with you and sharing at churches. God really is doing some cool things here and I am excited to share with you face to face!
I still have some openings for this fall! (And into next year.) If your church or small group would like to host me it would be an honor to share with you what God is doing in Thailand through your prayers and your faithful giving. If you would like to meet up for tea (or coffee if that’s your thing) and to chat I would love to do that, too!
Respond to this email and we can get something on the books :) You’re welcome to forward this to anyone you think might be interested in finding out more about what I do in Thailand.
Have I mentioned that I’m already ready to come back to Thailand? I have? Well, it is so true! If you aren’t already a monthly financial partner, today is the perfect day to remedy that. You can join MissionThailand at $10, $25, $50 or $100 a month.
I rely 100% on the financial support of generous churches and people like you!
As crucial as financial support is, I desperately need prayer! I’m literally surrounded by evil sprits. People invite these spirits to possess them, they make ritual sacrifices to them, and worship them. The spiritual warfare here is very real. And very strong. God is stronger still and many are being saved! Whether you can or cannot give financially your prayers help to protect me and to set the captives free.
I’m aware of the inflation that is happening in the US and around the world. One moment I struggle to believe that I will be able fundraise and get back to Thailand. The next moment I have abundant faith in God’s sovereignty. He is just as capable as providing in a struggling economy as he is in a thriving economy. Why? Because he is God. What he can do isn’t connected to or affected by what is going on in the world. I’m trusting him to provide for the needs that he knows I have for this life he has called me to. I am also trusting him to provide for you as you give and pray by faith believing he is more than able.
See you soon!
Don’t forget to subscribe if you aren’t already. I send an update about once a month. If you have the MarcoPolo app you can join my sharecast to get a glimpse into my life here in Thailand. Let me know if you have any questions or if there’s anything you’d like to see before I leave!